Data Analyst

Data without context is just a set of disconnected facts, meaningless points. To be useful, data needs to be converted into actionable knowledge. It needs to be intertwined into a bigger picture, associated with a hypothesis that needs to be solved. To do this we need an investigative sense, analytical experience and, above all, a curious mind.

CloudWalk wants to change how money is defined and used, and for that we need people that can navigate through uncharted waters of chaotic data. People that want to fight against this isomorphic world are all immersed into searching for new meanings, new possibilities. People that have critical thinking to go deeper into understanding the reasons behind why things happen.

Our R&D team is responsible for research and development of analysis, models and anything data related for usage in all areas of the company, like Marketing, Risk, Customer Support and others. We are looking for someone to analyze and transform data from different origins, to generate reports, create tools and find insights. Someone that will act as a bridge between the company Data Scientists and the business area.


Some Areas that we are looking for a Data Analyst:Customer Support: Analyze data from interactions of humans with LLM-based bots, to assess quality and generate insights. Experience or interest with NLP related tasks and basic knowledge of Prompt Engineering and LLMs is a plus.

What You’ll Be Doing:Create and maintain data visualization and dashboard toolsGather data for evaluation of proposed methods by the teamInterpret data, and analyze results using statistical techniquesFilter and “clean” data from different sourcesLocate and define new process improvement opportunitiesSuggest and engage in team collaborations for novel projects.

What You Need To Succeed:Knowledge of programming languages, especially Python and SQLSolid Data Visualization skills to create charts and dashboardsStrong analytical skills, ability to collect, organize, analyze, and disseminate significant amounts of information with attention to detail and accuracyAdept at queries, report writing and presenting findingsCommunication skills. You should be able to communicate effectively with multiple teams.Ability to communicate and debate in English and Portuguese.

Nice to have:Interest in reading and implementing scientific papers (and related content) concepts and models. We value people willing to experiment to bring improvements to our processes, that try to understand what is behind the novelty of new concepts and paradigms.Experience or interest in Machine LearningWeb Scraping skillsAbility to work with dirty data (unstructured or imperfect data)Knowledge of BI tools such as Metabase or TableauExperience with Cloud platforms like GCPKnowledge of Prompt Engineering, and basic understanding on NLP techniquesUnderstanding of test automation concepts and ability to collaborate on developing automated data quality tests.


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