Senior Engineer Deep Learning

The company

Outrider is a software company that is automating distribution yards with electric, self-driving trucks. Our system eliminates manual tasks that are hazardous and repetitive while it improves safety and efficiency. Outrider’s mission is to drive the rapid adoption of sustainable freight transportation. We are a private company founded in 2018 and backed by NEA, 8VC, Koch Disruptive Technologies, and other top-tier investors. Our customers are Fortune 200 companies and our autonomous trucks are already running in distribution yards. For more information, visit

The role

Outrider is an ambitious company that aims to solve autonomous vehicles for yard/warehouse operation. We are building a special electric truck that can achieve complex maneuvers in huge warehouses, among traffic, people and other complicated settings. This is not your generic autonomous vehicle product: we have a specific setting, specific hardware and specific customers.

We have great financial backing, a clear product in mind and a highly competent engineering team. Now, we want to expand on critical hires.

We are looking for ML/Deep Learning engineers to develop and integrate deep learning technologies for our autonomous vehicle. You will work with a great engineering team that is highly motivated to make this a reality and a leadership that is laser focused on a product.

Come and join the team!


Duties and ResponsibilitiesYou will have the opportunity to have huge impact on the deep learning / autonomy stack for our autonomous truckDesign, develop and update neural networks for perception that run online on our autonomous vehicleWork on the evaluation stack to introspect and evaluate and building insights on our resultsMentor the junior ML engineers creating a collaborative culture and learn from the team members Interfacing with the other autonomy consumers and upstream/downstream components, including data, deployment and compute

Required QualificationsBachelor/Master in CS or equivalentSkilled with modern DL and python-related frameworks: Pytorch/TFlow, Numpy, Scikit. Familiar with respect to DL state of the art, practices and recent research Able to iterate on ML models: problem definition, data, model bring-up, debugging, evaluation and deploymentExcellent communication and proactivity: let’s get things done!

Compensation & BenefitsCompetitive Salary PackageOwnership of projects from day one, highly collaborative teams and a dynamic work environment100% Remote work set up, flexible work schedule (Flex time – off policy)Annual career development stipend to support and encourage your career growthAllowance for home office set upBusiness traveling in our headquarters in Denver, Colorado (3-4 times/year) to stay connected with the team


At Outrider, we believe in cultivating an environment where there is diversity of perspectives, experiences, and knowledge with the expectation that we thrive in an inclusive environment. Outrider is committed to a workforce where everyone’s opportunities are limitless regardless of race, national origin, gender, age, religion, disability, veteran status, or any others that are protected by law.

To protect yourself against the increasing number of recruiting scams, please make sure that you are communicating with Outrider Technologies, Inc. or one of its employees.  The only way to communicate with us is through our corporate website at, through corporate emails utilizing our domain name of, and through our job board at Be vigilant when checking domains because imitators often make very small changes to trick the eye. Additionally, please know that Outrider does not use text messaging or public messaging platforms, such as Telegram or Whatsapp, to communicate with candidates and Outrider will never ask an employment candidate for financial information or for payment of any kind.

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